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By | Sunday, April 08, 2012 Leave a Comment
Last semester I had all my courses in Baltic Film and Media School (BFM), one of the colleges of Tallinn University. I had the opportunity to learn a lot about about cameras, directing, screenwriting, editing, lightning, etc. and work with people that have experience in the television and film field. 

In one of the courses - Camera work - our final project was to do a silent black & white short movie. The plot, written by my Latvian classmate Reinis, was about a man who has lost his manhood and who is trying  to get it back by dressing like a woman. We shot in a kind of abandoned dorm, on a 12-hour journey for two days. This place didn't have electricity and heating (the temperature was around 0ºC/32ºF - it was December!), so as you imagine it was pretty crazy! However, the final result was really good and we received many compliments from our teacher and classmates.

I don't have the short movie with me but I'll leave you some pictures of the shootings. 

With love,

The Latvian way of wishing good luck

Preparing for the first scene

Gaffers (the ones in charge of the lights) used the bathtub to create a rainy day feeling

The hunting scene 

The fighting scene

The car scene. It started raining (thank you, Murphy's law!)

Last scene: the man has finally found his masculinity.
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